by Terry Lynch | Aug 21, 2022 | Articles
A recent Postmedia article by author Dave Battagello spoke of some unpleasant Health care changes destined to be activated this week. This move by the provincial government may spell trouble for seniors as it includes plans to force some out of hospital beds and into...
by Terry Lynch | Aug 20, 2022 | Articles
In a a recent interview with CP24, Ontario Health Executive Vice-President Dr. Chris Simpson opined that the mounting strain on Ontario’s health-care system constitutes a real “crisis,” even as the Ford government sought to downplay the severity of...
by Terry Lynch | Jul 5, 2022 | Articles
in my newsletter and Blog editorials, I normally don’t wade into the political fray, but there is a growing crisis in the ‘Home Care’ sector in Ontario that needs to be addressed. The following article was written in conjunction with the SSAO...
by Terry Lynch | Jul 3, 2022 | Articles
As a mortgage broker dealing regularly with clients having ‘Bruised’ or ‘Challenged’ credit (or any of the other euphemisms used to describe it!), I often notice a lack of awareness in terms of the importance of acquiring and maintaining, a good credit score. The...
by Terry Lynch | Jun 6, 2022 | Articles
A Reverse Mortgage can be a boon for ‘House Rich, Cash Poor’ homeowners. Many retirees are finding that their pension incomes are not keeping pace with spiralling inflation. A great opportunity exists for financial advisors to assist clients looking to...